Roof rats and Norway rats have been seen all over the Las Vegas Valley from Boulder City to Mountain’s Edge. The strange fact is they are not native to this part of the country.
Possibly the roof rats come to Las Vegas from Arizona – arriving here in palm trees or other types of plants. They like to nest in palm trees and attics of homes. The major problem with roof rats is they multiply at a fast rate so it is challenging to keep up with them. They like to live near people and all the amenities – swimming pools provide a constant source of water. Fruit trees offer these rats a food supply as does left out pet food.
Roof rats are nocturnal and most likely will only be seen at night but if you do see them during daylight hours you probably have a large infestation. One important item to note is to keep all the areas in your home dry – roof rats cannot survive without water.
The Norway rat is larger and more aggressive than the roof rat. The Norway rat has a short tail, shorter than the head and body combined, with a blunt nose and small ears. The Norway rat may weigh 12-16 ounces and grow to a total length of 13-18 inches.
These rats are scavengers and are attracted to cluttered areas and love garbage. The Norway rat thrives in unsanitary conditions, and is an opportunistic scavenger. Norway rats are much more likely to infest structures than are roof rats.
Both species can produce six to eight offspring three or four times a year. They are invasive and destructive – they chew on electric wires in the home and in cars. If you spot any rodent it is imperative to rid your property of them as soon as possible.
The Clark County Health District advises anyone that thinks they have a rat infestation to contact a pest control services immediately.
GLOBAL PEST SERVICES in Las Vegas is a licensed pest control company that is qualified to handle all your pest elimination needs including rats. Call our office at 702-657-0091 or go to our web site- to speak with us for all your pest control needs. Get a quote now!
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