Rats and mice make up the next classification – RODENTS - on the MOST “UNWANTED LIST”. They can be found in every neighborhood in the Las Vegas Valley – including Anthem, Southern Highlands, Summerlin and Green Valley.
It is imperative that if you think you have a rat or mouse problem contact a pest control company immediately – GLOBAL PEST SERVICES - has licensed professional technicians that are well trained in eliminating all pest including rodents.
Mice and rats tend to breed rapidly so if you have one rat or mouse most likely you have more. The first indication of a rodent is their droppings – mouse droppings are the size of rice grains and rat droppings are about the size of a raisin. Also listen for gnawing or scratching in walls or attics.
Wild rodents can carry and transmit a number of serious diseases to humans either directly or through the fleas and ticks they bring with them. Throw out any food you think the rats or mice came in contact with as this food has been contaminated. You will know by the teeth marks on the containers. They like open garbage cans, dumpsters and sewers and usually hide during the day and come out at night.
Rats and mice can fit through spaces that seem way too small for them because of their skeletal makeup – so seal up even the smallest of holes to prevent entry to your home.
There are two types of mice – the house type of mouse has a naked tail and then there is the native mouse with a slightly furred tail. Rats come in varieties as well – most common are the roof rats that are sleek and graceful with ears extending past their eyes. The Norway rat is large and has a heavy body (they can weigh more than a pound) and their ears do not reach past their eyes.
To get rid of all rodents or other pests you might encounter in the Las Vegas Valley contact GLOBAL PEST SERVICES. The licensed professional technicians are well trained in eliminating all pests. Get your quote now!
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