Now that the warm weather is upon us in Las Vegas we will start seeing more bugs inside and outside our homes in Henderson and Spring Valley.
Researchers at Vanderbilt University are working on developing a bug spray that is up to a thousand times stronger than DEET. The spray works on many different insects and could possibly save lives.
Scientists working on this repellent named for now VUAA1 say it works not just on mosquitoes – it also works on ants, flies, moths, and many other bugs that at best are nuisances and at worst carry deadly diseases such as malaria.
The research project began as an effort to reduce malaria victims – as many as 500 million people worldwide could contract the disease this year. The team of scientists soon realized the chemical compound they developed had wider uses.
Basically the compound in the repellent is based on overloading the insects smell system – bugs do not like too much smell and will move away from it. Part of the project is being funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The original goal was to help prevent a deadly disease and now has much wider possibilities. The hope is to develop a product that can be sold for profit in the developed world and use the profit to distribute the product in poorer nations.
The compound has been patented and for now being tested to make sure it is safe for people to use.
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