![]() BED BUGS CAN COME HOME WITH YOU FROM SPRING BREAK Many people go away at this time of year for spring break – the kids are off from school and it is a good time for a family vacation. Have fun and be aware that Bed Bugs might like to come back with you to Las Vegas. Bed Bugs are small and oval in shape as well as being nocturnal pests that feed on blood of mammals and birds. Since they like being close to their prey you will most likely find them in headboards, mattresses and bed frames. They eventually move into closets, dressers, even behind picture frames. The key is to catch an infestation when it's relatively new -- which is easier said than done. In small numbers bedbugs are hard to spot- by the time you've had many itchy bites on your body, bed bugs already made themselves at home in your house for months. While you are away staying in a hotel or rental vacation home keep personal items and baggage away from the sleeping areas and elevated off the ground. Inspecting mattresses box springs and headboards prior to sleeping in a hotel room or a vacation home. Bites can take up to a couple of weeks to show themselves so just because you don’t see a bite while you are staying somewhere on vacation does not mean you are in the clear. Upon returning home from a trip, inspect suitcases and other belongings before bringing them into the house. Wash all of your clothes - even those that have not been worn - in hot water to ensure that any bed bugs that may have made it that far are not placed into your drawers/closet. If you think you see a bedbug, grab it with tweezers and put it in a small container with rubbing alcohol, or pick it up with clear tape then tape it to a piece of paper. Show this sample to a pest control professional and go from there. GLOBAL PEST SERVICES in Las Vegas is a licensed pest control company that is qualified to handle all your pest elimination needs. Call our office at 702-657-0091 or go to our web site- to speak with us for all your pest control needs. Get a quote now! Let us know what’s bugging you….
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