ANTS – THE HOUSE GUEST YOU DON’T WANT BUT PROPABLY WILL HAVE Spring and summer in the Las Vegas Valley are the seasons the ants come to visit. There are many types of ants we see in Summerlin and Henderson – here are a few. Ants, in general are very social – they live in colonies that are usually found in the ground and will feed on almost any kind of food. If they have entered your home they will look for protein or sweets to eat. Fire ants have a copper brown head and body and can inflict a painful sting or bite. They are ground nesters and found inside near the kitchen or somewhere warm like a fireplace. Outside they can be in clumps of grass or under rocks or stones. Fire ants will feed on almost anything – food, clothing and electrical wires to name a few. Black ants are as their name says black. They usually form their nests outside but sometimes will be indoors. Their food of choice is sweet human food and honey dew from aphids. Carpenter Ants are also black. They like to nest in wood by hollowing out spots that can cause structural damage to your home. They bite but do not sting and the “swarmer” black ants can fly is search of a good place to start a new colony. They can be found in rotting fence posts, stumps and dead portions of standing trees. Argentine Ants are light to dark brown in color. They originated in South America and most likely got here via coffee ships. They are usually found near moist areas and Argentine ant colonies will mix with each other and form what is called supercolonies. Because of the sheer size of these colonies they will drive out other insects. They will eat almost anything but prefer sugars and syrups. GLOBAL PEST SERVICES in Las Vegas is a licensed pest control company that is qualified to handle all your pest elimination needs. Call our office at 702-657-0091 or go to our web site- to speak with us for all your pest control needs. Get a quote now!
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