The next pest on the Las Vegas UNWANTED LIST is the COCKROACH. Just hearing the word sends chills down most people’s spines. They are unwelcome in any home in Henderson or near the Las Vegas Strip and with good reason – they are very hard to get rid of and introduce bacteria and allergens to our environment.
Cockroaches are found in nearly every part of the world and they are the most primitive pests. They go back over 50 million years and most likely to survive severe nuclear radiation. They range in length from 0.1 to 3.2 inches – they can fly and swim (even underwater). Also they are omnivorous (will eat either plant or animal matter) and only feed at night.
While Las Vegas has a wet winter season it rarely has a freeze strong enough to kill existing cockroaches’ or their eggs. They molt – their skin sheds as they grow and gets replaced by larger ones. The discarded skins along with their feces can be found in household dust – these materials can trigger allergic reactions and asthma.
We have 4 types of cockroaches in the Las Vegas Valley – they are:
American Cockroaches also known as the waterbug are the largest of the cockroaches found in our homes. They are reddish brown or mahogany in color and when become mature can fly. They normally live outdoors but will come inside to look for water and food so you find them lurking in the kitchen, laundry room, bathroom and basement.
Brown-banded Cockroaches as the name implies from two lighter bands they have across their dark brownish bodies. They prefer warm and dry locations, such as near refrigerator motor housings, on the upper walls of cabinets, and inside pantries, closets, dressers, and furniture in general. They also can fly.
German Cockroaches is the most common of the cockroaches and can be found worldwide. They are a tan or light brown color, smaller than other species of cockroach and even though they have wings - do not fly. German cockroaches are mostly active at night, when they forage for food, water, and mates. During the day they hide in cracks and crevices and other dark sites that provide a warm and humid environment.
Oriental Cockroaches are very dark almost black (although sometimes dark reddish brown) and shiny. They mostly live in sewers and sometimes called water bugs as they can come out of drains and have a preference for dark, damp, and cool areas such as those under sinks and washing machines, and in damp basements. This species is less wary and more sluggish than the others, of concern because it often travels through sewer pipes and lives on filth.
Cockroach control is important for health and safety reasons. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences reports that one in five children in the United States have severe sensitivities to cockroach allergens – this can increase the severity of asthma symptoms.
To get rid of cockroaches etc. in the Las Vegas Valley contact GLOBAL PEST SERVICES. The licensed professional technicians are well trained in eliminating all pests – including all types of cockroaches. Get your quote now!
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